
How to Add Custom Post Type in WordPress?


How to add custom post type in WordPress?

Custom Post Type

WordPress basically use for blogging but now it’s a robust CMS and any kind of content can be a post type. By default, WordPress has following post types:

  • Page
  • Post

SO if you want to add any other post type then you can create custom post type and you named it whatever you want. Basically custom post type enhanced the functionality of WordPress blogging and it is used to create Portfolios, movies and articles etc. For example if someone wants to create Books review website and he is using WordPress for his website. So the custom post type is the best option for him. When he created custom post type then he will find easy to add movies by using separate post type.

How To create a custom post type

There are two ways to create custom post type

  1. You can create custom post type by using a plugin and it’s most easy way to create
  2. You can create custom post type manually

The easy way to create custom post type you just have to install and activate a plugin and i think Custom Post Type UI is best plugin to create custom post type. After activation of plugin the new new item will be appeared on Left sidebar of WP admin called CPT UI.
Now you go to Add New and add your desired custom post type name and details according to instructions.

How to display custom post type on your website?

First you can simply go to Appearance » Menus and add a custom link to your menu. This custom link is the link to your custom post type. You have to use the SEO friendly permalinks and your CPT’s URL will most likely be something like this:


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