
Google Analytics


Google Analytics is a freemium analytics service offered by Google which helps business person to improve their business by tracking the stats of their websites. This service was launched by Google in November 2005. Google Analytics has become the world most largely used web analytics service on the internet. It is integrated with Google Ad words, users can now review online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and goals. Goals might include sales, lead generation, downloading a file or viewing a specific page. The approach which Google Analytics used is to show high level, dashboard type data to the casual user and more in depth data to generate the reports. Google Analytics has the ability to identify poorly performing pages with technique such as funnel visualization which tells the detail about the visitors from where they came from, how long they stayed on the website and their geographic location.

Here are few awesome things which can be done using Google Analytics.

• See your most important analytics data first.
• Find out which online campaigns bring the most traffic and conversions (goals).
• Determine where your best visitors are located by tracking their geographic location.
• Learn what mostly people are searching for on your site.
• Visualize what people click on the most.
• Uncover your top content.
• Identify your worst performing pages.
• Determine where people abandon the shopping cart.
• Discover if you need a mobile site.
Furthermore Google Analytics provides e-commerce reporting which can track sales activity and performance. These e-commerce reports shows a site’s transactions, revenue, and many other commerce-related metrics.


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